Year 2023
Technology Graphic Design
Video Production
Categories Art Direction
Project Summary

The project goal for, an initiative by the Academy Center of the Arts, was to increase awareness and access to online art while fostering a sense of community and engagement. By launching this art sales website, the primary aim was to extend the reach of our diverse artistic offerings beyond the physical confines of the Academy. We envisioned as a platform that transcends geographical boundaries, making captivating artworks easily accessible to art enthusiasts everywhere.

I spearheaded the art direction for the creation of a compelling social media commercial that aimed at generating engagement and driving sales. This commercial was crafted to showcase the vibrancy and diversity of the artworks available on the platform, encouraging audience interaction and enticing prospective buyers.

This initiative fostered a palpable sense of community engagement, as evidenced by the platform's welcoming environment. Offering valuable insights, tutorials, and updates on gallery shows, the campaign encouraged interaction, discussions, and active participation among art enthusiasts. The commercials, designed to captivate and entice, effectively stimulated audience interest, resulting in increased engagement and potentially higher sales conversions.

Furthermore, the campaign bolstered a continuation of the  Academy's brand identity, reinforcing its position as a champion of art accessibility and community involvement. This reinforcement continues to help solidify brand loyalty among existing customers while attracting new followers intrigued by the institution's commitment to art appreciation and inclusivity.